Vocab & Idioms

Go over the following vocabulary and expressions with your tutor. Read the word/expression and definition out loud, and your tutor will become over anything you do non sympathise. Do creating a sentence or two to brand certain you know how to use the word/expression properly.

Vocabulary/ Expressions

Nuclear family (due north) – a family consisting of the parents and their children
Extended family (n) – a family unit that includes grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, and cousins in addition to parents and children
Unmarried parent (n) – someone who has a child or children but no husband, married woman, or partner who lives with them
Sibling (n) – a brother or sister
Relative (n) – a member of your family
Grow up (phrasal verb) – to go from existence a child to an adult
Divorce (n or v) – a legal process to finish a matrimony
Childcare (n) – the intendance of children by a day-care center, babysitter, or other providers while parents are working
Your own flesh and blood (idiom) – a member of your family
Information technology runs in the family (idiom) – an ability that is passed on through the generations

Part 1 Questions

Here are possible questions that might come up during the test. Go over them with your tutor.


  • How many people are at that place in your family?
  • What do you like to do together?
  • Who is your favorite family member?

Role 2&three Questions

Here are possible questions that might come up during the examination. Go over them with your tutor.

Sample A

Office ii Questions

  • Depict a happy babyhood memory. You should say:
    • when it happened
    • who was with you lot
    • how you felt at the time
    • and why y'all recall this specific time.

Part iii Questions

  • What do role models provide children?
  • How does Telly influence children in a bad way?

Sample B

Part 2 Questions

  • Talk well-nigh a family unit fellow member you admire the most. You should say:
    • who it is
    • what is their relationship to you
    • what qualities he/she has
    • and why yous adore him/her so much.

Part 3 Questions

  • Why is family important to you?
  • Why practice family members argue sometimes?

Sample C

Office two Questions

  • Describe a family vacation you went on. Yous should say:
    • where you went
    • which family unit members went with you lot
    • what you did together while on vacation
    • and how yous felt about the time together

Part 3 Questions

  • Why is information technology of import to spend time with family unit?
  • Is information technology important to spend some time autonomously from family unit?

Sample Answers

Here are some sample answers. Go over them with your tutor.

Part 1 Questions

  • How many people are at that place in your family?
    • Besides my mom and dad, I accept three siblings to include ii brothers and one sister. I have to say, I'chiliad the third child to exist born to some awesome parents.
  • What do you like to do together?
    • Since nosotros are all adults and don't live together, we spend very little time together. Notwithstanding, when we reunite information technology's normally for a holiday such as Thanksgiving or Christmas.
  • Who is your favorite family unit member?
    • When it comes to family I don't have a favorite, because all of my family members are equally as of import, especially my nuclear family unit.

Part 2&iii Answers

Here are some sample answers. Go over them with your tutor.

Sample A

Office 2 Questions

  • Depict a happy childhood retentivity. You lot should say:
    • when it happened
    • who was with you lot
    • how you felt at the time
    • and why you lot remember this specific fourth dimension.

I take then many blithesome memories of me growing up, but sometimes I tin can't retrieve of them? Hmmm, permit me see? This is not exactly a happy retentiveness, simply it concluded up in a happy way.

I remember when I was starting 9th class in high school. It was my start year, and then I was the new kid on the block along with the rest of my classmates. My older brother and sister were upperclassmen, therefore I was not nervous or intimidated past the older students. Male child, was I wrong!

My older blood brother'southward classmates, especially the women, knew I was the younger brother. On the get-go twenty-four hour period of school, they made information technology a point to embarrass me by teasing me in front of my fellow classmates, but also my brother. They blew kisses at me and called me little Johnny until I was carmine in the face with embarrassment. I concluded up running into the bathroom to go away from it all. I stayed in the bath until I heard the bong for classes to begin.

I remember, ummm, peeking out the door to make certain none of my brother's friends were around. After seeing that the coast was clear, I made a mad dash for my class. I made it just in time, just as I entered the course, I saw all my classmates laughing at me. They were calling me petty Johnny as well!

Looking back on this retentiveness, I would accept to say it was probably 1 of the nigh embarrassing times in my life. However, it was all in fun and I gained the nickname, Johnny. To this day, my family unit and good friends call me Johnny.

Part 3 Questions

  • How do role models influence children?
    • This is a good question, and it's of import that every kid has skilful part models while growing upward. These people set good examples for children to learn by. Some of these people turn out to be mentors similar parents, relatives, or even teachers. A good office model teaches right from wrong, provides support, and encourages success. Unfortunately, there are some bad role models in life, who teach children bad habits similar smoking and drinking.
  • How does Tv influence children in a bad way?
    • Not all TV programs affect kids in a negative way, although I would have to say lots of them are not suitable for children. It seems to me that the content on Television receiver has changed over the years and keeps getting worse. This alone shows kids that perhaps violence, profanity, and killing is acceptable in society.

Sample B

Part 2 Questions

  • Talk about a family member y'all admire the about. You should say:
    • who it is
    • what is their relationship to you lot
    • what qualities he/she has
    • and why y'all admire him/her so much.

I like this question because it'southward easy to answer. It's most definitely my gramps, even though he's been dead for near 30 years.

When I was a teenager he was my hero and I looked up to him in many ways. I'm sure he was an idol to many of my other relatives and extended family unit.

Y'all can say some of the things he achieved or did in his life, runs in the family. Umm, take me for example. I followed in his footsteps and played football in high school and served in the U.S. Army.

He was a empathetic and warm-hearted person who always took the time to listen and offering his sound communication. Two of my nigh unforgettable memories of him were, umm, the loan he gave me to buy my get-go Tv and watching our favorite sports teams on Goggle box, umm, in the evenings afterward dinner. Oh, I can't forget to mention all the times he took me fishing.

He was liked past everyone and, he had tons of friends. I can still remember the day nosotros put him to rest. Oh human, was that twenty-four hour period hard on the states. There must have been approximately 100 people in attendance at his funeral to include his nuclear and extended family and his loyal friends. To say adieu to your own mankind and blood who you lot admired and then much was one of the most difficult days in my life.

Part iii Questions

  • Why is family unit of import to you?
    • If you lot asked me this question when I was younger, my respond would have been dissimilar. These days, I admittedly think family is of the utmost importance. They are the courage of my life, and the main reason is that I'thousand divorced and, umm, a single parent. They back up my daughter and me through thick and thin. Without them, I would struggle to raise my 1 and simply child.
  • Why do family members argue sometimes?
    • I never really idea about this earlier, just I tin remember of a few reasons why I fence with my family. Let'south take my girl as an example. She'south only 10 years old, and she thinks everything should be her fashion. We end up arguing over stupid things such every bit the clothes she is wearing to schoolhouse. Basically, It boils down to families are humans and arguments will happen on occasion.

Sample C

Part ii Questions

  • Describe a family holiday you went on. You should say:
    • where you went
    • which family members went with you
    • what you did together while on vacation
    • and how you felt about the time together.

This is an interesting question since I just went on a family vacation all just ii weeks ago. So, I'm going to talk about my recent getaway with my wife.

The hardest function nigh going on this two-calendar week vacation was trying to find childcare, umm, for our two children. Eventually, my parents, who are retired, decided to look after them. Thank god for your ain mankind and blood!

My married woman and I went to the tropical islands of Hawaii for a romantic vacation, which was long overdue. We had a fabled time despite the fact the airlines lost our suitcases. Luckily, we didn't let it spoil our fun.

The embankment resort we stayed at has a scenic view of a volcano in the horizon. The only thing I didn't like about it was that there were also many other people on the embankment. There was no privacy. I wasn't expecting a private beach to ourselves. What I meant was, I was expecting at to the lowest degree some space between us and the couples too us. It was like we were sitting on height of each other.

All in all, I wouldn't trade the time away with my married woman for anything. I'm happy that my siblings recommended the resort to us.

Part 3 Questions

  • Why is it important to spend fourth dimension with family unit?
    • Time spent with your loved ones is high on my priority listing. I for one cherish the quality fourth dimension with not only my nuclear family but also my extended family unit and practiced friends. I don't know what I would do without them. As the maxim goes, you never know what you have until, umm, it's gone.
  • Is it important to spend some fourth dimension apart from family unit?
    • Absolutely, I think people should spend some lonely time, umm, or fourth dimension with friends separate from other family members on occasion. It doesn't mean you don't want to exist with them or don't honey them. It merely ways absence makes the heart grow fonder. For example, I'chiliad not with my family at present and, I tin can't wait to meet them afterwards today.


Go over whatever new expressions or vocabulary that you learned today.
