Kidding Rate

Based on the kidding rate and prolificacy (Table 7) and the historic period and weight at slaughter, information technology is estimated that a Boer doe may produce as much as much every bit 77kg live weight per annum.

From: Meat Scientific discipline , 2008

Volume 1

Miguel Mellado , in Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences (Third Edition), 2022


The most important factors affecting productivity and profitability of a goat enterprise is reproduction performance and production efficiency. Goat reproductive management should aim at attaining greater than xc% kidding rate, more than 1 kids per parturition with a rate of survival higher than 90% to weaning. Reproduction in goats is influenced primarily by nutritional status, genetic potential, ecology weather condition, photoperiod (not equatorial zones) and health status. Reproductive management practices to influence these factors are bachelor; thus, there is ample margin to increment reproductive efficiency of goats both under all-encompassing and intensive conditions.

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Goat HUSBANDRY | Reproductive Direction

G. Mellado , in Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences, 2002

Mating Management

Convenance Guidelines

In general, nether extensive grazing systems a ratio of one mature buck in expert body condition for every 60 does is appropriate, even if most does come into heat during a i-calendar week period. This mating load does non compromise kidding rate because bucks are able to increase service rates as the number of does in estrus increases, performing, on boilerplate, 9 copulations daily in a 3-calendar week mating period. With hand-mating systems, mature bucks can be individually mated with 60 does in a 30-day period, with no chance of a reduction in the number of pregnant does.

Under grazing conditions, the optimal length of the mating period is 4 weeks. During this period, if pregnancy fails to exist established at the first mating, well-nigh does have a 2nd opportunity to become pregnant. This is because introduction of the buck results in an earlier and relatively synchronized ovulation (2.2 to 2.8 days later on the introduction of bucks), although a peachy proportion of does induced to ovulate, particularly noncyclic animals, nowadays a short ovulation cycle (average 5.iii days) and practise non exhibit oestrus.

Pretreatment of anovular does with progesterone eliminates premature luteal regression and silent heats in goats responding to the cadet stimulus. In those goats with brusque cycles, the ovaries are restored to normal function at the second ovulation. Kidding charge per unit is not further improved with mating periods longer than four weeks.

The mating flavour and the number of mating periods during the year is dictated primarily by the prevailing agroclimatic conditions of the caprine animal operation, the market for the goats' products and the natural mating period of the goats utilized. Under all-encompassing conditions in arid zones, and with goat operations focusing on milk production, the mating season should start 5 months before the rainy season in guild for the lactation to coincide with the months of expert natural nutritional conditions.

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Husbandry of Dairy Animals | Goat: Reproductive Management

M. Mellado , in Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences (Second Edition), 2011

Mating Direction

In general, nether extensive grazing systems, a ratio of one mature cadet in practiced torso status for every 50 does is appropriate, even if most does come into heat in a i-week period. This mating load does non compromise kidding rate because bucks are able to increment service rates equally number of goats in estrus increases. With hand-mating systems, mature bucks can be individually joined with sixty does in a xxx-mean solar day convenance period, with no risk of a reduction in the number of pregnant does.

Under grazing conditions, the optimal length of the breeding period is iv weeks. During this menstruation, if pregnancy fails to be established at the starting time breeding, almost does have a second opportunity of existence fecundated. This is so because although introduction of the buck results in an earlier and relatively synchronized ovulation (2.2–2.eight days after the introduction of bucks), a great proportion of does induced to ovulate, particularly the noncyclic animals, present a short ovulation bike (on average v.3 days) and exercise non showroom estrus. Pretreatment of anovular does with progesterone eliminates premature luteal regression and 'silent' heats in goats 'responding' to the buck stimulus. In those goats with short cycles, the ovaries are restored to normal function at the 2nd ovulation. Kidding charge per unit is not further improved with breeding periods longer than 4 weeks.

The breeding season and the number of mating periods during the year would be dictated fundamentally past the prevailing agro-climatic atmospheric condition of the caprine animal functioning, the marketplace of the goat'south products, and the natural breeding menstruum of the goats utilized.

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Feeding and Diet

Darrell L. RankinsJr., D.G. Pugh , in Sheep and Goat Medicine (Second Edition), 2012


At the time of breeding, the practice of flushing females has been used with some success. The basic premise is that increased diet, specifically free energy, just before and during the early breeding flavour increases the ovulation rate and thus the lambing or kidding charge per unit. The female'due south age and body condition and the time of yr all bear on the response to flushing. Mature females in marginal trunk condition usually respond best to flushing. Moreover, the practice appears to be more benign in attempts to breed the group early or belatedly, as opposed to during the peak of convenance season. Overconditioned females either do not respond or announced to answer just marginally to flushing. Flushing can be achieved past the provision of lush pastures or by supplementation with approximately 0.14 kg (0.33 lb) to 0.45 kg (1 lb) of a ten% to 12% crude poly peptide grain/head/day. It is best to begin the hypernutrition approximately ii weeks before the males are introduced and continue for an additional 2 to 3 weeks into the convenance season.

The benefits of flushing include increased torso condition, increased ovulation charge per unit, and increased number of lambs born. Adequate body status is necessary for acceptable formulation rates. Outside certain biologic limits, a flushing upshot is not observed. For example, an extremely sparse (BCS 1) female person probably will not achieve an increased ovulation rate because she is besides thin to take normal reproductive cycles. Nevertheless, within normal ranges (BCS 2.five to 3) the ovulation rate appears to respond to a short-duration increase in free energy and, to a bottom extent, to increased protein intake (meet Figure two-1). Flushing does non ever increase lambing or kidding rates; however, it does increment the number of females cycling early in the breeding season, resulting in birth of a greater proportion of the offspring early in the lambing or kidding season. In females, a BCS at or just nether two.5 to iii is optimal for most breeding flocks.

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Reproductive technologies in goats

Maria-Teresa Paramio , ... Dolors Izquierdo , in Reproductive Technologies in Animals, 2020

iv.4.3 Embryo cryopreservation

In 1976, Bilton and Moore [49] reported the showtime kid born after transfer of a frozen-thawed embryo. Some years later, the first kid born from a vitrified goat embryo was reported [l].

Hong et al. [51] compared the effect of different vitrification solutions and obtained similar kidding rates when transferring OPS-vitrified embryos with 0.5  M sucrose, fifteen% EG, and 15% DMSO, and fresh ones (51% and 57%, respectively). The sucrose supplementation to the vitrification solution provides more repeatable embryo survival rates [52].

Different studies [51–53] accept not plant meaning differences in kidding rates between tedious-frozen (range from 31% to 47%) and OPS-vitrified (range from 35% to 52%) blastocysts. However, in other studies [54,55] significantly higher kidding rates have been achieved afterward transferring OPS-vitrified blastocysts (range from 82% to 93%), when compared to slow-frozen blastocysts (from 40% to 50%).

Regarding the cryotolerance of embryos according to their developmental phase, a lower embryo survival of goat morulae has been described both subsequently tiresome freezing [56] and vitrification [55,57], compared with embryos cryopreserved at the blastocyst stage.

Finally, in our laboratory, Morató et al. [58] tested the result of oocyte donor age (adult vs prepubertal goat) and the in vitro blastocyst stage (nonexpanded, expanded, hatching, and hatched) on the power of the blastocyst to survive the vitrification/warming procedure using 15% DMSO, 15% EG, and 0.5   M sucrose as vitrification solution. The total blastocyst survival was non affected past the goat historic period (twoscore.7% in adults and 51.viii% in prepubertal animals). Nonetheless, expanded, hatching, and hatched blastocysts showed the highest in vitro survival rates in embryos coming from adult-caprine animal oocytes, while hatching blastocysts were the nigh cryotolerant among the embryos produced from prepubertal-goat oocytes.

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https://world wide

Book one

C. Devendra , G.F.W. Haenlein , in Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences (Tertiary Edition), 2016



The Boer caprine animal was developed principally from Hottentot stock north of the Greatcoat Peninsula in Southward Africa, only also with some imported Indian Jamnapari and dairy breeds, offset around 1930. Information technology is essentially a single purpose meat brood similar to beef cattle in contrast to dairy cattle, but Boer goats besides have expert dairy conformation and provide good milk yields to support twins (Figure xx). The modern Boer goat originated from three types: the mutual Boer medium-sized goat with brusk glossy coat, it is white with chocolate-brown spots on its reddish brownish head and neck, and is the dominant blazon in U.s.a.; the long-haired, larger, heavier, and more late maturing Boer goats; and the multicolored polled Boer goat with practiced dairy conformation. Some South African goats are solid black or dark ruby-red. Mature bucks weigh 100–120   kg and are 75–80   cm loftier, females 65–80 kg. Boer goats have a loftier kidding charge per unit of well-nigh 180–190% in which twins are common. Average milk yield is nearly 1.8  kg   solar day−1 and 300   kg in medium length lactations. Boer goats have been imported widely into several countries of Europe, Asia, Northward America, and Australia to improve meat productivity in local goats and comprehend the growing pop ethnic markets.

Figure 20. Boer buck imported into Sabah, Due east Malaysia.

Reproduced with permission from C. Devendra.

Red Sokoto

This is a widespread goat breed in West and Northwest Africa numbering most 17   million alone in Nigeria. They are of intermediate size with straight face up, brusk pendulous or horizontally kept ears, apartment outward twisted horns, and curt mahogany-colored hair. Males counterbalance about 30   kg and are 27   cm high at the withers. They are very prolific and abound fast, just are kept under sedentary atmospheric condition. Their skin is valued for the production of Kingdom of morocco leather. Milk production has been reported at 150   kg in 105   days with 6.6% fat.


This breed is kept past transhumance pastoralists for milk and meat on the ranges of Northwest Africa, in Chad, Niger, Republic of mali, Burkina Faso, Mauritania, and Senegal, numbering about 21   million. The confront is straight or convex, ears are brusk and horizontal or pendulous, horns are thin and twisted upwardly in males only sickle shaped in females, hair is short with many colors. The Sahel males have a beard, long mane, and long hair on the thighs, some are polled. Males weigh near 25–40   kg and are 75–90   cm high, females twenty–35   kg and lx–88   cm loftier at withers. They are as well known every bit West African long-legged goats. Milk production is effectually 120   kg in 120   days.

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Reproductive Biotechnologies in the Goat

GABRIELA FLORES-FOXWORTH , in Electric current Therapy in Large Animal Theriogenology (2d Edition), 2007


Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

The process of assisted fertilization past intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) has been used in human fertilization clinics for treatment of male infertility. In subcontract animals, ICSI has been used to study methods to overcome problems encountered during IVF, such as sperm capacitation and poor or nonmotile sperm. Studies indicate that fertilization past sperm injection varies between species; therefore, farther studies are required to establish protocols for sperm treatment and oocyte activation in the goat. Following ICSI in goats using IVM oocytes, embryos have been produced that successfully developed to the blastocyst stage. 75

Embryo Splitting

Early attempts to produce identical animals were based on embryo splitting. Embryo splitting produces monozygotic twin individuals, which offer various possibilities for experimentation and production traits studies. A few reports on the splitting and transfer of goat embryos demonstrate the feasibility of this engineering science. 76, 77 Briefly, while viewing nether a microscope (75×), a glass suction micropipette is used to concord the embryo, and the zona pellucida (ZP) is opened with a finely drawn glass needle. The embryo is surgically dissected with a drinking glass pocketknife into halves or embryo parts. One of the halves is left in the original ZP and the other one-half is placed into an empty ZP. "One-half" embryos, or demi-embryos, can be cultured, transferred immediately to synchronized recipients, or frozen. 78, 79 Pregnancy rates of 36% take been obtained after transferring 2 goat fresh demi-embryos each to 11 recipients. 76 Goat embryos seem to be very sensitive to micromanipulation compared to other livestock embryos, and to increase demi-embryo survival rates, micromanipulation techniques need to exist improved. Cells in the morula phase are loosely associated; thus, manipulations cause the disintegration of virtually embryos. Tsonuda and associates demonstrated that hatched blastocysts were most suitable for goat embryo bisection. 77 Demi-embryos have been frozen inside a zona pellucida or without a zona pellucida and results following embryo transfer demonstrate a lower kidding charge per unit from demi-embryos frozen without a zona pellucida. 79

Nuclear Transfer (Cloning)

This technique is applied for the production of genetically identical animals. Early piece of work in nuclear transfer involved the use of totipotent blastomeres and inner cell mass cells from early embryos to create identical animals. 80, 81 In the goat, normal identical kids have been produced by transferring blastomeres from a 4- to 32-cell embryo into an enucleated mature oocyte. 82 It was non until Dolly's nascence 83 that adult somatic cells were successfully used past unlike laboratories to produce cloned offspring. 84–87 The first cloned goats by somatic cell nuclear transfer were produced past Baguishi in 1999. 85 Nuclear transfer involves the product of enucleated oocytes, called a cytoplast, that serves as sufficient medium to reprogram and limited the genetic heritage of the donor nucleus. Oocytes in metaphase II from in vivo or in vitro sources are used for this purpose. Enucleation involves the removal of the metaphase spindle with its associated maternal chromosomes from the mature unfertilized oocyte. This procedure is usually performed with the aid of a Dna-specific fluorochrome, which allows visualization of the chromatin and confirmation of successful removal nether ultraviolet low-cal. 88 Unremarkably an intact donor jail cell is injected into the perivitelline space of the enucleated oocyte and their membranes electrofused. An alternate technique involves the direct injection of the isolated nucleus into the enucleated cytoplasm. 89, ninety In goats, both skin fibroblasts and cumulus-granulosa cells have been used successfully as donor cells. 91, 92 The transferred nucleus goes through diverse changes characterized by remodeling of the nucleus, which presumably results in reprogramming of the transferred nucleus and so that it behaves developmentally as if it were a one-cell zygote. 93 Although embryonic development tin be activated by the electrofusion step in some species, it is common to chemically activate the oocytes with a combination of an ionophore and a protein kinase inhibitor. The successfully fused and activated cells are placed in culture or are transferred into a synchronized recipient immediately.

In the context of animal husbandry, reproductive cloning tin be applied to chop-chop upgrade the quality of a flock by cloning an creature noted for its infrequent production traits; information technology can besides exist applied to reproduce an animal that cannot reproduce naturally nor by assisted reproduction (i.e., castrated, ovariohysterectomized) or deceased animals. To apply this engineering science, a skin biopsy is taken from the creature to exist cloned, the cells are grown in tissue culture flasks in an incubator and when the cells reproduce in vitro and course a monolayer, they are usually trypsinized and passaged several times to produce around 10 1000000 cells, which are then cryobanked using cryoprotectants such every bit dimethyl sulfoxide. It is of swell importance that tissue cyberbanking is performed from infrequent animals when they are alive. In example of an unexpected death, the carcass should be cooled to 4° C as soon as possible and tissue samples collected and cultured as discussed previously.

Embryo Sexing

Methods to make up one's mind the sex of embryos before transfer take traditionally focused on cytologic techniques 94 or the use of antibodies to male-specific antigens such as the H-Y antigen. 95 Now molecular procedures such equally polymerase concatenation reaction (PCR) besides offer opportunities for embryo sexing. 96 Removal of a few cells from preimplantation embryo is necessary. Amplification of single re-create genes (sex-specific sequences) in small samples such every bit embryonic cells is performed past PCR, with subsequent visualization of these sequences on agarose or polyacrylamide gels. This technique has been applied in goats to amplify these sequences from male and female genomic Dna to place the sex activity. 97

Factor Transfer

The dramatic advances in molecular biology and the development of new technologies like gene transfer have provided a potential tool for genetic improvement of domestic animals. The process of gene transfer adds specific genes to existing animal breeds to enhance production characteristics or to produce pharmaceutical products from milk of goats expressing the transgene in their mammary gland. One of the methods successfully applied in caprine animal studies for incorporation of specific genes into embryos is accomplished past microinjection of the recombinant Dna into the pronuclei of recently fertilized eggs, followed by embryo transfer into synchronized recipients. 98 Between 500 and m copies of the genes are injected into the male pronucleus. After the injection, embryos are either cultured or transferred straight to the recipient caprine animal. The rates of incorporation of the foreign Deoxyribonucleic acid and the survivability of injected goat embryos is depression, with only one% of injected embryos resulting in transgenic goats. 98, 99 A more predictable method is by transfection of a cell line followed by nuclear transfer. The donor cells that produced the first cloned goats by somatic cell NT were derived from a transgenic fetus. 85, 87

Dairy goats have been used to produce a commercial prototype for large-scale industry of high marketplace-volume proteins in their transgenic mammary gland. To achieve protein expression, a human gene controlled by milk poly peptide promoter sequences is inserted into the surrogate embryos (goat) and when the resultant transgenic animals begin to lactate, they secrete the human protein in their milk. The protein is then purified from milk. Several specific reasons were considered in choosing goats: (1) They produce big volumes of milk; (2) they have short gestation and developmental periods; and (3) the biochemical features of goat milk have been extensively characterized. One of the therapeutic proteins expressed by transgenic goats in their milk has been a longer-interim tissue plasminogen activator protein, which has a tremendous pharmaceutical value to cardiac patients. 99 Incorporation, expression, and manual of the foreign cistron in domestic animals occurs at low frequencies; therefore, extensive research continues.

Marking-Assisted Selection

Increasingly today DNA technology has been advancing to identify genetically important traits. Utilizing genetic markers, some traits like disease resistance or growth and carcass performance, can be screened in private animals and flocks to identify and perpetuate those animals with economically beneficial characteristics. Besides animals conveying an undesirable trait can be screened and eliminated for a more profitable caprine animal industry. 100 Marker-assisted choice incorporated with AI, ET, and cloning technologies are expected to advance the product of animals that exhibit desirable traits.

The techniques for isolating Deoxyribonucleic acid can be used for screening embryos, semen, blood, and tissue banked jail cell lines. Therefore, tissue banking from individual animals volition let for the possibility to screen for genetic markers and evaluate past, present, and future production performances.

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54th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (54th ICoMST), 10-15August 2008, Greatcoat Town, South Africa

L. Simela , R. Merkel , in Meat Science, 2008

Table vii shows some productivity parameters for Boer goats and averages for other breeds across the arid, semi-arid, sub-humid and humid zones of Africa (FAO, 2002). Co-ordinate to the information provided past Boer goats South Africa (personal advice), the breed can wean kids that are 17–21   kg, which tin can exist slaughtered at the age of five–6 months at a live weight of 30–35 kg. Based on the kidding charge per unit and prolificacy ( Table 7) and the age and weight at slaughter, it is estimated that a Boer doe may produce as much every bit much as 77   kg live weight per annum. Given that the longevity of a Boer doe is said to be 6–8 years, this implies that during its life fourth dimension, a doe could wean as much equally 538   kg, which is about six times its adult live weight. Unfortunately it is difficult to work out similar estimates for other brood groups. Information technology is, however, generally accepted that goats are the most prolific of ruminant livestock. Under skilful management, does can attain kidding intervals of vii–8 months, equally many as four kids per parturition and boilerplate litter sizes of close to 2 kids (Casey & van Niekerk, 1988; Lehloenya, Greyling, & Schwalbach, 2005; Scoones, 1992).

Tabular array vii. Product characteristics of Boer goats and caprine animal breeds in agronomical regions of Africa

Boer goat a Boer goats b Arid zones c Semi-arid zones c Subhumid zones c Humid zones c
Historic period at first kidding (months) 9–12 18 15.9 sixteen.half dozen 15.v 13.5
Gestation period (days) 150 150
Kidding rate (Parturitions/twelvemonth) ane.22 1.04 1.07 one.11 ane.21 i.34
Prolificacy (kids/parturition) 1.viii one.93 1.22 1.22 i.38 1.52
Boilerplate age at slaughter (months) 6 15 xix 20 20
Boer goats Due south Africa (2008).
Seabo, Aganga, and Mosienyane (1996).
FAO (2002).

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Small ruminant SexedULTRA™ sperm sex-sorting: Status report and recent developments

C. González-Marín , ... R. Vishwanath , in Theriogenology, 2021

4 Caprine sex activity-sorted sperm

Goats have been linked to humans for at least x,000 years [56]. Due to their great adaptability to different environmental weather and high productivity, they take ever been considered useful farming animals. In the terminal l years, global caprine animal populations have increased by nearly 240%, while other livestock species have maintained or decreased their populations. Currently, the global caprine animal population is over 1 billion [57,58]. The potential for goats to produce a sustainable supply of milk and meat for human consumption is undeniable. Goats are specially valued for the nutritional quality and health benefits of their milk [59,60]. In developing countries, goat milk has contributed to improved nutrition in rural populations, where dairy goats are increasingly condign a assisting business for farmers. At the aforementioned time, consumption of caprine animal cheese is increasing in developed countries.

Although the dairy goat manufacture has non however become well developed in many countries, with an increased understanding of the value of goat milk, the market place will gradually aggrandize, and biotechnologies such every bit sexual practice-sorted semen that provide over a 90% sex skew will gain more than importance, equally they volition facilitate faster and more than profitable herd expansion.

It was not until 2013 that i of the few publications regarding sex activity-sorted goat semen reported successful sorting and birth of kids afterward LAI with about 32 × 10half-dozen sperm per insemination of either sex-sorted or conventional sperm. In this report, sex-sorted sperm cryopreserved in straws presented a post-thaw motility of effectually 48%, but suffered a loftier deterioration during a 2 and 4 h incubation. Fertility was lower for sex-sorted sperm (38% versus 50% kidding charge per unit for sex activity-sorted and conventional sperm), but the success of the technique was demonstrated [ xx].

With farther optimization of the sex-sorting extenders, along with the implementation of SexedULTRA™ procedures and the use of state-of-the-art Genesis sperm sorters, the commercialization of caprine sexual practice-sorted sperm became a reality at the stop of 2015. Since and so, over 20,000 sexual activity-sorted straws take been produced for LAI purposes with a mean (±SEM) post-thaw visual sperm motility of 59.1 ± 1.1%, a computer assisted sperm analysis (CASA – IVOS Ii system) total and progressive movement of 66.0 ± 1.7% and 58.2 ± one.8% respectively, intact acrosomes of 73.5 ± 0.nine% and a female person sex purity of 92.9 ± 0.3%.

In small scale field trials, 75 does were divided in 2 groups and inseminated with sex activity-sorted fresh (2 × ten6 sperm per insemination) or sex activity-sorted frozen sperm (iv × x6 sperm per insemination). Pregnancy rates were 57% for fresh and 49% for frozen sperm. These results were comparable to conventional semen used in the same farm during the same period. A second trial including 100 does carve up in three groups and inseminated using LAI with conventional fresh semen at twenty × 10vi sperm, conventional frozen semen at 20 × x6 sperm and sex-sorted frozen sperm at 2.1 × 106 sperm per insemination demonstrated comparable pregnancy rates (xl%, 39% and 36%) between conventional and sex-sorted sperm.

The next challenge was to evangelize the appropriate fertile dose of sexual activity-sorted sperm to be used for transcervical inseminations. Although laparoscopic inseminations provide more reliable conception rates, they are also a surgical procedure that requires high standards of skill, asepsis and analgesia. In small ruminants, information technology is important to consider the anatomical structure and narrow cervical way through to the corpus uteri to make up one's mind the AI method to be carried out to increase pregnancy rates while maximizing brute welfare. Information technology is well known that sheep are the most hard to inseminate transcervically, while goats are the easiest, and deer are between the others in difficulty. The breed inside a species is too important, for example, in goats, the anatomy of the Domestic Tall caprine animal allows for a deeper insemination into the cervix than in other breeds. One must as well consider the blazon and quality of semen to be used, such as fresh or frozen, and high or low dose, to determine if transcervical insemination is an option. Studies have also demonstrated that the results of laparoscopic and vaginal insemination are highly dependent on the technician who carries it out [61]. In the first transcervical AI trial, a full of 624 does beyond two farms were inseminated with lx × 106 conventional frozen sperm or with 4 or eight x 10vi sex-sorted frozen sperm per insemination. The results varied widely between farms, with Subcontract 1 presenting lower pregnancy results when using sex-sorted semen, and Subcontract ii demonstrating comparable results between conventional and sex-sorted semen at 4 million per dose (Tabular array 4). Since the semen used in both farms belonged to the aforementioned freeze codes, information technology is hypothesized that the lower pregnancy results in Farm ane could be attributed to the timing of AI or the feel of the inseminators, although more than trials including different breeds of goats are required to confirm the results.

Table iv. Pregnancy rates later on transcervical insemination of synchronized Domestic Alpine does (n = 624) across 2 farms with 60 × 10vi total frozen-thawed conventional, and four or 8 × xhalf dozen full frozen-thawed 10-chromosome bearing sexual activity-sorted sperm. Farm 1 presented decreased pregnancy rates when using sexual activity-sorted semen, while Farm 2 presented comparable results between conventional and sex-sorted sperm.

FARM i - Type/dose of semen Does Total Pregnant (%) Sex Purity (%)
Conventional Frozen 60 × 106 104 61 59
Sex-sorted Frozen iv × x6 102 13 100
Sex activity-sorted Frozen 8 × ten6 103 35 96
Subcontract ii - Type/dose of semen Does Total Meaning (%) Female Purity (%)
Conventional Frozen 60 × 10half-dozen 130 61 58
Sex-sorted Frozen 4 × 106 46 62 87
Sex activity-sorted Frozen viii × 10half dozen 139 44 92

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